You usually hear and see a lot of advertisements about the time and money savings of a college education. That’s why some young high school graduates easily register in one of the colleges, and hope to get a proper education in the shorter time with less loan and debits. But as soon as they finish the first year of college they start complaining about the tuition fees and other costs which they did not know about when they registered for college. When college administrators do not take the demand for tuition reduction in to consideration, we have to expect a huge harm to our reliable education system, and it may put our country’s future development at risk.
The college administrators discuss student claims about the cost of tuition and say that “it varies.” Colleges come in a wide variety and depending on the choices you make the price of a college education can be quite reasonable, especially if you think of college as an investment in yourself and your future. Also they claim the fact that more than half (53%) of all undergraduate college students attend a four year college, that has published charges of less than $15000 per year for tuition fees.
On the other hand, the college students do not agree with the administrators and provide their fees as evidence of their claims. “The administrators just see and mention one side of the story. They intentionally cover up student claims about the high tuition fee, and do not want to talk about other college fees because it will lead to a comparison between the education qualities of colleges and universities. “If I spent about the same amount on college and university why not go to university instead?” said one of the MacKay college students.
The college students dispute the college administrator’s claim about tuition fees and they say that the tuition is not just the college courses and registration fees. There are some other costs that come along with the course fees, which make it impossible for the students and their families to afford. For example, if you live on campus it would be more expensive for buying or renting a dorm and buying your own meals which add to the expenses. The charges depends on the room and meal plans you choose, if you plan to live at home or anywhere off campus you need to make a estimate of your costs. Another hidden charge is the books and supplies if the college doesn’t help you with the costs. You have to find a way to pay for it. Also, if you add other necessary costs like transportation and personal expenses to the list you come closer to the real college costs not the imaginary costs that administrators claim and advertise.
We are well aware of the college valuable role in education and professional training, which is the back bone of our healthy economy. Also, we know most of the developed countries invest a large part of their budget in professional work force training, so they can live in secure and stable financial conditions for a long term. If we want to stay on safe side of any economical harm, and not worry too much about our future. We have to have a more trained and educated work force. We need to create more jobs and business opportunities to try to help other countries with our highly trained and educated workforce. As a result, it will build a good reputation for our nation and we can establish an active trading business to keep our high stable standard living. If we do not spend enough money on colleges, and leave the students with huge burdens of debts and loans, it is not fair to expect much from our young people to stay optimistic and continue with their education and training in colleges.
Moreover, the colleges get a part of the national budget from the government to improve education system and train young people to become a reliable foundation for our country’s bright future. The taxes which the government give to colleges are collected from the students’ families and citizens of this country. If it is not spend on education, which should prepare the young people for a better life, then for what other purposes it is going to be spent? The government and college administrators have to take this issue in consideration as an important one because it is a matter of the country development and the future of the next generation.
Despite the college administrators argument, that the college fee is affordable, there are many true facts that indicate the high college costs discourage the young people to continue with college education. In the end, the high college costs will affect our education institutions and it may also cause difficulties for our nation’s development.
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